Sometimes the most neglected campers are the boys!

Scouts are from one of two camps:

Men starting homes from scratch post-separation or divorce, especially dads in urgent need of making a house a home.

Men upsizing but lack the time needed to set up a new place.



Camp Tidy will earn you that badge

Camp Set Up has a number of packages to get your new home and new life up and running. Your tent will be spick and span in no time! Examples of Camp Set Up packages:


Unpacking and organizing after a move.


Shopping for the proper gear – plates, glasses, silverware, napkins, candles. (Oh, yes! Ya gotta have candles!)


Establishing relationships with services in your area – finding the best dry cleaner, barber, dog groomer, you name it.

Relieve yourself of that axe you’ve been grinding!

“When my plate was completely full, Camp Tidy landed at my door and went to town setting up my entire house. It was a godsend.”

Tom M.